Black and White Warbler Pencil Sketch p90

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Magee Marsh is a great place to see migrant warblers in the spring. Our family tries to go there in the spring, but we also try to avoid the “Biggest Week of Birding” that overcrowds the place. I’m so behind on posting … Continued

Great Blue Heron Mural

posted in: Finished Paintings, Photos | 0

Now that is big! This mural was made from my watercolor painting Great Blue Heron Taking Flight. The original commissioned piece is 9 x 24 inches and was completed a few years ago. Lansing’s Art in the Wild recently had a call for entries for … Continued

Crested Coua Pencil Sketch p88

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Crested Coua are spectacularly beautiful birds from Madagascar. In this case it was from the Toledo Zoo’s bird house. It fails a little as a pencil drawing because you miss the spectacular purples, pale blues and aqua colors around the eyes. This … Continued

Long-tailed Duck Pencil Sketch p87

posted in: Sketches | 0

Long -tailed Duck is a bird that we don’t see too often in central Michigan, so it generates excitement when they do show up. I remember seeing them in fairly large numbers on Jones Beach on Long Island in the winter. My aunt and … Continued

Spectacled Eider Pencil Sketch p86

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Eiders are fascinating birds, and I’ve long wanted to paint them. Common Eiders are the only ones I’ve seen in the wild so far. Sadly, they were too far away for me to get a workable photograph. I’ve sketched a … Continued

Plum-colored Starling (Violet-backed Starling) Transparent Watercolor and Ink

This bird is a great example of why they use scientific names with a genus and species. It has at least three common names: Violet-backed Starling, Plum-colored Starling and Amethyst Starling. Granted, they are pretty spectacular, so maybe one name … Continued

Dunlin Transparent Watercolor Painting and Time Lapse

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

Because of Christmas, New Year’s, two family birthdays and a road trip all within a month’s time, I’m way behind on posting artwork. A Winter Dunlin is the subject of this recent watercolor painting, and it presented a good set of challenges. Here in … Continued

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 2

I haven’t done a straight “bird portrait” in a while. Instead, I’ve been painting entire birds—each with a portion of its environment serving as part of the subject. I used to paint portraits regularly, but I think they work best on … Continued