Throwback Thursday: Belted Kingfisher on Birch

Around our house we call this painting the “Birch Perch.” This one has a bit of a history. I like the painting, but every time I look at it I feel a little sick to my stomach. Why? Here’s the “Readers Digest” version of … Continued

Eastern Phoebe on Staghorn Sumac: Transparent Watercolor and Ink PLUS Time-lapse Video

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

Some birds just seem to have a lot of natural charm. The Eastern Phoebe definitely falls into that category for me. Phoebes, like American Robins, are fairly tolerant of humans and will nest near houses, sheds and decks. My mother-in-law, who … Continued

Throwback Thursday: Bee Eaters!

  Here are a pair of paintings from early 1997. I did the Little Bee Eaters as a wedding gift for my friend Mike. The Carmine Bee Eaters were an engagement gift for my (now) wife, Liesl. They were based … Continued

Throwback Thursday – American Toad & Dwarf Lake Iris (Transparent Watercolor)

Michigan has great diversity in its animals and plants. Some are very common and can be found in many states, while others are incredibly rare. The American Toad is a common species. I’ve seen them my whole life. Their fantastic … Continued

Horned Larks in Snow (Transparent Watercolor 9.25 x 24 in)

posted in: Finished Paintings | 0

I really love these birds. There is just something hilarious about a cute little bird with those tiny devil horns! They had been begging to be painted for a long time. Finally they made it to the top of the list. … Continued

Wattled Jacana Transparent Watercolor Step-by-step

Wattled Jacanas are attractive birds with elongated toes that allow them to stride along  water lily pads on the edges of the shallow lakes and ponds where they live in South America. The males incubate a pair of eggs on a floating nest. … Continued