White-breasted Nuthatch Pencil Sketch

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Although they are really common, there is something endearing about white-breasted nuthatches. One winter day almost twenty years ago, my wife and I went to a local park where chickadees were acclimated enough to humans to eat out of our hands. … Continued

Tennessee Timber Rattlesnake Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 1

I’ve been lucky to see a variety of rattlesnakes over the years. I’ve seen eastern diamond backs, pygmy rattlers and massasagua rattlesnakes. I spent a lot of time in NY/NJ looking for timber rattlers with out much luck. I knew … Continued

Blue Dasher Dragonfly Pencil Sketch

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Its hard for me to get enough of these beautiful and fascinating insects. This cooperative male was posing at the fabulous gardens at Michigan State University. They are pretty “hard-wired” and will return to a favorite perch repeatedly to hunt. I could sit … Continued