Red Squirrel Transparent Watercolor Painting and Time Lapse

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

Red squirrels are just about as cute as it gets for common rodents. Ok, flying squirrels are cuter, but they don’t qualify as common here in central Michigan. When choosing what to draw and paint, I usually follow whatever has my … Continued

Dunlin Transparent Watercolor Painting and Time Lapse

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 0

Because of Christmas, New Year’s, two family birthdays and a road trip all within a month’s time, I’m way behind on posting artwork. A Winter Dunlin is the subject of this recent watercolor painting, and it presented a good set of challenges. Here in … Continued

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Transparent Watercolor

posted in: Finished Paintings, time lapse | 2

I haven’t done a straight “bird portrait” in a while. Instead, I’ve been painting entire birds—each with a portion of its environment serving as part of the subject. I used to paint portraits regularly, but I think they work best on … Continued

Winter Black-bellied Plover Pencil Sketch, Watercolor and Time Lapse

This watercolor painting and pencil sketch of a Black-bellied Plover are from the stockpile of photos taken on last year’s trip to Florida with my brother Ted. The drawing is p84 from the sketchbook. I’m getting dangerously close to finishing … Continued

Pine Siskin Pencil Sketch p82

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

Winter finches are always a welcome sight. After all the migrants trail off, it’s nice to see old friends at the feeders. Pine Siskins are fairly reliable. We get them at the feeders every year, though the quantity tends to vary dramatically. A finch … Continued

Andean Condor (Pen and Ink)

posted in: Finished Paintings, Sketches | 0

This is a bit of a change in media for me. I haven’t done a pen-and-ink drawing in over 20 years! I was cleaning up my flat files, going through old paintings and sketches when I came across a piece … Continued

Golden-crowned Kinglet Pencil Sketch p79

posted in: Sketchbook, Sketches | 0

I’ve always been amazed at how sturdy these little dynamos are. Being one of the earliest migrants in the spring and one of the latest in the fall, they tolerate a lot of cold weather. On top of that they … Continued