Female Forktail Damselfly Step-by-Step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 0

Forktail damselflies can be hard to tell apart in the field. The males have some diagnostic features making identification a little easier. Discerning the species of a female forktail is well beyond my abilities of identification. Nonetheless, they are beautiful … Continued

Ruby Meadowhawk Dragonfly Step-by-step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 3

I’ve been painting a lot of dragonflies lately. Lots of great color to play with. Here is the latest, a step-by-step through the process of painting a male ruby meadowhawk. These are really cooperative insects… so much so that my … Continued

Airbrushes vs. Washes

posted in: Tips and Techniques | 4

I have spent a lot of time using airbrushes and really loved them for a long time. If you want a perfectly smooth background or soft gradient, they are hard to beat. They excel at very soft and very hard … Continued

Baltimore Oriole Sketch

posted in: Sketches | 0

This summer we were lucky enough to have 4-5 Baltimore orioles coming to the feeder right outside our kitchen window. They were attracted by the grape jelly we were leaving out for them. We also got the occasional catbird. The … Continued

Basset Hound Step-by-Step

posted in: Step-by-Step | 0

This interactive Step-by-Step is of a basset hound called “Fritz” that I did as a commission. I thought it would be worthwhile putting together a demo with all the fur and grass that needed to be rendered in this example.